Media Corner

We are excited by how much media attention the Helping Hands activity has been receiving lately. It is really encouraging to see that everyone that has experienced this activity is eager to share it with as many people as they can. Check out our latest coverage:

  • Most recently the Body Sphere program on ABC Radio National featured the Helping Hands activity. If you’d like to listen to the segment, check out the following link to the podcast:

  • Channel 10 Breakfast: 10 September 2012

  • Radio 612 ABC Brisbane – 16 April 2012

  • Insurance Online- 3 September:

  • AUSURE News- 28 August,-building-hands-for-landmine-victim

  • Human Capital Magazine Online- 30 April 2012

  • Maranomail- 25 April 2012

  • The Western Weekender- 7 September 2012
  • City News in Brisbane- 10 May 2012
  • Canberra Weekly- 17 May 2012
  • MX Sydney- 4 May 2012
  • Northern District Times- 4 September 2012
  • Western Suburbs Weekly- 4 September 2012
  • The Post- August 18 2012
  • Rex magazine
  • Radio 2UE
  • Radio Goolarri Media
  • Radio 4BC
  • Radio ABC Newcastle
  • Radio ABC Albany

This is only a sample of the coverage this activity has received in just 5 months. It is exciting to see that momentum is building and that word is getting out there about this inspiring experience. With more people learning about this everyday, this activity is growing from strength to strength!

 For further information about the Helping Hands Program click on the following link:

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