
Welcome to the spring edition of the HC Newsletter!

The past few months have been a busy time here at HC. In June the team travelled to Brisbane to attend the Australian Psychological Society’s Industrial and Organisational Psychology (IOP) Conference. We were privileged to hear some fascinating speakers at the conference, and this month’s newsletter aims to share with you a taste of what we heard. In particular, we take a look at managing mental health in the workplace and the trend towards non-territorial office layouts.

We are also pleased to announce the release of our latest research paper on generational differences between exiting employees, and have included an article summarising our findings in that regard.

Staying on the topic of retention and exiting employees, we explore the triggers of turnover and consider whether organisations might currently be over-emphasising the role which job dissatisfaction plays in this critical organisational outcome.

This month we have two special offers for our readers. Firstly, we are providing our readers an opportunity to experience our recently launched 360°Assessment Tool at a special introductory rate. Secondly, we are also pleased to offer another special on exit interview services… back by popular demand!

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