Editorial: Autumn Newsletter

This newsletter signals a significant advancement in the way that HC intends to engage with its customers and readers. After receiving a number of complements about our past publications and requests for these to come out more frequently we have relented! Not only are we now committed to producing one complete newsletter per quarter, but since December, we have been quietly posting a range of additional blog-style articles (in addition to our regular newsletters). We’re hoping that you’ll find our additional blogs just as stimulating as our past newsletters with the added benefit of them coming out a little more regularly. HC will continue posting regular blogs but given the increased frequency of these publications, we do not intend to send out email notifications each time that one of these has been updated. So, if you want to keep in touch with our business, you’ll have to make sure that you keep coming back to the site regularly to check on the latest stories, alternatively you may choose to follow us on Twitter (@HCpsych) or subscribe to the RSS feed (by clicking on the “subscribe” button on the left hand side of any news article).

In addition to more frequent blogs and newsletters, we have also been working hard to make our communications more interactive.  Most of our articles now incorporate interactive polls and surveys. These are an exciting new development that enable you to provide feedback and join in our conversation anonymously. All of our articles also include a comments section for you to ask questions or share your perspectives.

We truly value the expertise of our business partners and customers and for the first time we have included an article by a guest contributor from Global People Solutions. In the future, we intend to publish more articles by guest contributors in an attempt to share with our readers increasingly diverse opinions about a broad range of people-related topics. If you are interested in being a guest contributor then please do not hesitate to let us know.

You can also now read our newsletter in an increased variety of ways as our news site has gone mobile! Wherever you are, or whatever device you use to read our publications, you’ll notice that our articles are now optimised for easy viewing. Katrina has also been working on a range of additional, behind the scenes, changes that we hope will make the site more navigatable and engaging for all our customers and readers.

Over the past 3 months we have not been focussing on our newsletter at the expense of our core business. The labour market has definitely heated up and this has translated into strong growth in demand for our exit interview and engagement survey services.  Caroline has been working hard to analyse all the extra data that has been pouring in and has now completed a major upgrade of our exit interview and employee opinion survey benchmarks. If you are an existing survey customer then ask us how you can begin to reap the benefits of these developments immediately!

Thanks to all readers for their continued support and I hope that you enjoy our Autumn newsletter.

Matt Henricks
Matt Henricks is the Director of HC. He is an Organisational Psychologist with over 10 years experience working in HR and related fields. Matt has consulted with many of Australia

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