WEFTshop – one organisation making a difference

Since introducing the Helping Hands team building activity, our eyes have been increasingly openned to the level of need in many disadvantaged communities around the world. Wherever possible, within our newsletters from now on, we will be taking the opportunity to highlight some of the organisations that are trying to make a difference. WEFTshop is one such organisation.


WEFTshop is a volunteer based not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting refugee women from Burma living on the border with Thailand by developing their skills as textile artisans so they can access a fair wage. They work hand-in-hand with refugee artisans to create contemporary designs that feature their unique skills and textiles.


WEFTshop products include  scarves, bags, cushions, purse, dolls, dresses, table-runners and table throws and feature their  unique appliqué, metal beadwork and back-strap weaving. Handicrafts are one of the few ways to earn money safely in this environment where fundamental human rights such as the right and freedom to work and travel are largely denied.


WEFTshop products can be obtained online at : www.theshopforchange or for a wider selection via the Newtown markets every Saturday from 10:30-5:30 (280a King st , Newtown. Opposite the Dendy on King st).



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