Competition to name our new online survey system!

In coming months HC will be launching a new online survey system to help Managers and HR folk self-administer best practice assessment and survey instruments at a low price.

But there’s one problem… we don’t know what to call it!

Please post your name suggestions for our new platform below and if we end up choosing to go with your suggestion then we’ll give you a $100 gift voucher to either Bunnings, Myer or DJs.

The rules are fairly simple. You can enter as many times as want. We will carefully monitor our facebook page, this website and our email and only the first entrant that nominates each particular name will be eligible for the prize. HC employees will not be eligible but their friends and relatives are! If we don’t end up using any of the names suggested, then there won’t be a prize available. We’d like to name our new system as quickly as possible so this competition won’t be open for long. As soon as someone comes up with a good name, we’ll be running with it…. so don’t delay and start posting those name suggestions today!


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5 thoughts on “Competition to name our new online survey system!”

  1. Thanks so far to all of our respondents. One idea that we’re currently thinking about running with is “Workplace Pulse”. Let us know what you think about this name.

    If anyone has additional ideas then please get in quick as we’ll be finalising the competition really soon.

  2. Hello All,

    We’re pleased to announce that we ended up going with the name “Workplace Pulse” and have just launched the new logo to go with our website.

    Many thanks for all of your suggestions. I look forward to sharing the final website once its launched towards the end of this year. In the mean-time, if you’d like to check out our new logo, please go to our facebook site:!/pages/Henricks-Consulting/204948412871211


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