A call for organisations to participate in research… FOR FREE!!!

All of the staff at HC are continually upgrading their skills via higher education. We currently have staff enrolled in Undergraduate, Masters and PhD level studies and all of these staff requires the assistance of willing organisations to participate in research as part of their degrees. Participating in University research has a number of benefits:

  • Research is supervised by world-renowned leaders in their field
  • You normally obtain data about your organisation that you could NOT have accessed any other way
  • Research can often be tailored to suit the needs of the organisation that is participating.
  • It’s FREE

Currently, our staff are looking for willing organisations to participate in research in the area of Change Readiness. This is a fascinating emerging area within Organisational Psychology which is likely to help Organisations improve their capacity to manage change.

Our company is also strongly committed to continual research. The arrangements for this research are slightly different to when you participate in University-led research. However, participation in such research is normally free too! Currently, HC are seeking suitable organisations to help us with research into both exit interviews and 360 degree assessments.

If you are interested in participating or finding out more about either types of research mentioned above then please contact us at [email protected] . Even if you’re only half-interested we’d encourage you to drop us a line to find out more.

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